Nobody's perfect, thanks (:

                                         I HEART YOU, BUT SORRY :< 

Salam, entry kali ni aku nak story pasal AA (: Before that, aku nak mintak maaf dekat Danial' You, I'm really sorry if I hurt you. Seriously, I told you I really ddn't mean it D: I serbe salah dengan you. I sayangg you sangat you tahu kan? Kalau boleh setiap hari i nak msg you i nak cakap i miss yoou so much. Tapi bila kite bersame I asyik buat hal je kan? Ah, i dont know why with me :( Sekarang you nak I layan you mcm kawan biasa? Sebab I dah ada AA? Berapa ribu kali I nak cakap you yang I dengan dia kawan biasa tak lebih pun. Kalau hati I dah sygg someone mcm-2 I akan buat? Like my blog i always story about him? Padahal kiteorg takde hubungan pape pun. Yeayyh you jelous maybe. Sorry you. I sayang you mcm mana I sayang dia. Kalau boleh I tak nak kehilangan korg berdua :< Ahhhhhh! You important in my daily life, at the same time he also important in my daily life to. Haaa, I keliru you tahu? Sorry Danial Azhari. Hope you can forgive me. ' Okay back to topic, aku nak cerite pasal si dia. I mean AA laaa. :)

                                  Amirul Ashraf Bin Zuraimi!

I don't care what tomorrow brings, I'm glad I'm spending my today in your arms. you make everything matters,and i hope you don't wonder why i stare at you... when i look in your eyes, i see forever.. and that place is beautiful, and that's the reason for the stare. I love you. I am in love with you. I believe you are my soul-mate
You tahu kan betape syg nye I dekat Danial? Ah tapi you faham I, malah you cakap ' Danial is better than me then you two pun dah kenal lama. I baru berapa bulan kenal je kenal you. So I tak kisah lah kalau you couple dgn Danial balik. I rela tgk you happy daripada you sedih ' Thanks faham I. I tak tahu nak berterime kasih dgn you mcm mana. Hanye Allah je dapat balas budi baik you dgn I. I tahu, you tak nak kehilagan I aite? Me to sayangggg D: Sehari tak msg you, rase mcm Setahun. Yeaaah, cinta baru nak berputik kot, memang mcm tu la. (: You, sorry i can't accept you as my boyfriend. I tak bersedia lagi. I tahu, you penat tunggu I kan? I takut kite tak serasi je. Kalau ada jodoh InsyAllah kita bersama. Kite hanye mampu merancang dan  Allah yang menentukan segalenye kann? Dearwhen I saw you I couldn't keep my eyes off of you. When you smiled at me i couldn't keep my heart from racing. When you looked into my eyes thats all it took for me to fall in love with you. Hihii :3 

Thats all for my entry today (: Thanks for reading, assalamualaikum . 

ℒℴvℯ ,
Ekinn Muhammad